Fortnite vs PUBG is a big battle
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PUBG Logic: http://bit.ly/2ingm8U
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About Viva La Dirt League:
We aim to make x3 videos each and every week!
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Wednesday - Wildcard
Friday - Bored
Who are we?
-Alan AKA VLDLfootman
-Rowan AKA VLDLsorak
-Adam AKA VLDLkingman
Viva La Dirt League
pubg mobile That friend who plays the other game - PUBG vs Fortnite | |
31,061 Likes | 31,061 Dislikes |
691,677 views views | 1.39M followers |
Nhan Van Ellie Miles Ghost Commander Alex Ambrocio Huarayo NA TA Houssem Rouahbia Oleksa Romańuk Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 30 Nov 2018 |
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